





What are the reasons for the high moisture content of epoxy floor paint? At present, most of the building epoxy floor paint systems need to have waterproof layer (DPM). Waterproofing layer is usually formed by laying polyethylene waterproofing material or asphalt waterproofing material on or under the ground base. Excessive humidity can lead to hydrostatic effects, such as groundwater seeping out of the base surface. This is not the case for epoxy flooring systems with waterproof membranes or flumes or drainage pipes. But we should also pay attention to the fact that if there are only drainage pipes but no epoxy floor system with waterproof layer, we need to test the moisture of the base surface and consider other relevant factors, such as groundwater level. Severe hydrostatic pressure may even lead to the failure of the floor surface. 许多树脂环氧地坪系统无法在高含水量的基面上使用,因此,如果再使用这种环氧地坪漆材料会使得底涂层在完工前出现受潮现象,而且很可能导致整个环氧地坪系统在涂装完成后,牢固度大受影响,从而引起环氧地坪面层起泡、分层,甚至失效。

Many resin flooring systems can not be used on high water content base surfaces. Therefore, if this epoxy flooring paint material is used again, the bottom coating will be damped before completion, and it is likely that the firmness of the whole epoxy flooring system will be greatly affected after finishing painting, which will cause foaming of the epoxy flooring surface. Layering, or even failure.


Generally speaking, only the following reasons can lead to excessive water content in the base surface:


1. Modern Buildings without Waterproof Layer


Some building types, such as warehouses or logistics centers, do not implement floor systems themselves, so there is no waterproof layer. But once it is converted into other functional buildings, the problem of excessive water content will emerge.


2. Short or not thoroughly dried base surface


A large number of practices have proved that the effect of natural air-drying is the best after the foundation is completed, otherwise it may lead to various problems in the floor system after completion. However, modern construction speed often can not consume a lot of time, so the use of resin materials for surface coating is becoming more and more popular.


3. Failure of Waterproof Layer


Waterproof layer may fail, although there are many reasons for its failure, but usually it is due to improper painting, or the waterproof layer is damaged during painting, such as pierced by steel bars.

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