环氧地坪漆以耐磨,抗压,防尘防潮,地表清理方便,表明光泽持久等著称,漆膜坚韧,耐磨性好,施工安全省心,在实验室,停车场,工程无锡环氧地坪,办公楼,医院,车间等场合都被广泛使用。 炎热的夏季进行环氧地坪施工总会遇到各种各样的问题,比如地面色差和接茬影响地面美观性。今天上海诚镭和大家分享为什么环氧地坪夏季施工会出现色差 。
Epoxy flooring is not a design, it is the color difference and stubble problem caused by improper construction of epoxy flooring. The reason for this phenomenon is that in summer weather color, epoxy floor paint solidifies quickly, usually in 25-35 minutes. The color difference of the ground caused by the long construction interval during the construction of epoxy floor paint is also due to improper storage of epoxy floor paint, which causes the deterioration of the epoxy floor paint and the appearance of the ground after construction. Spotted color difference.
Summer epoxy floor paint construction to avoid the operation of color difference: high temperature in summer, epoxy floor paint should be stored in a cool place, can not accept the sun exposure; epoxy floor paint construction must be continuous, can not be spaced, so as to avoid color difference on the epoxy floor.